Friday, December 10, 2010

30 in 30- Days 1 and 2

I'm doing this thing on Facebook where you post thirty pictures in thirty days. Each day calls for a specific picture. I decided I'd post it here too, to sort of jump-start this blog and to provide space to actually give commentary about each picture if I so choose (which I always do. Why just post a picture when I could write a story about it too?)
Day one is "Post a picture of yourself and fifteen facts." I decided to take this literally, and spent about ten minutes coming up with facts with a friend. This was because I think I am hilarious. Also because I love my handwriting and wanted to share it with the world.

Day two is "A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest." I chose a picture of me and my cousin from back when we were young. I'm not posting that picture here, because I'm pretty sure she'd appreciate it if I didn't put pictures of her up all over cyberspace.

I chose the picture with my cousin instead of a picture with, say, my mom or either of my brothers because my cousin and I have always had a special bond. We've been more like sisters to each other than just cousins. When I think back on my childhood, most of my vivid memories are of times I spent with her. To me, she is synonymous with "family" and the happiest times of my life. She has been through a lot. She has endured experiences that no one should ever have to go through, and she has come out of it all a stronger person. I look up to her because even in her darkest times, she never quit. I have loved her through the worst that life could throw at her, and I know she would love me through anything as well. That's what I think of when I think of "closeness" with someone: being able to say that, no matter what, you are assured of their love and you actively love them.

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