Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 4: How many clever nicknames can Amanda come up with?

Day four is "A picture of your night."
Tonight I went out with some friends (and some strangers) and had sushi. I was going to take pictures while I was there, but the turnout was such that I didn't really feel like it was one of those nights that you would really want pictures from.

Here's what I mean: there were four people there that I consider my friends. I think if it had been the five of us, we would have had a total blast and I would have been kicking myself for only having the camera on my phone, or (more likely) for forgetting that I had even that camera. However, in addition to the five of us there was one guy that I'd met before (let's call him Douchenozzle) who, upon meeting me, decided that I was not someone worth getting to know. Which I would have totally been fine with if it weren't for the fact that he talks crap about me to my friends, and doesn't realize (or maybe doesn't care) that they tell me what he says about me.

Douchenozzle brought a friend, I shall call him Bro. Bro was someone I hadn't met before, and initially he struck me as an ok guy. Then a little later on he started acting like Douchenozzle, and I was a little thrown off because he'd been nice to me up until that point. And then he turned it all around again and was generally nice by the end of the night.

Then Swarm showed up. Swarm was a collective, consisting of a guy named Chris (he seemed pretty nice), an androgynous fellow with female features and a male name hanging loosely on the arm of Trenchcoat, who sat next to Drama Llama and Chad. Chad was not this man's real name. He was another nice-enough guy, but he brought his girlfriend (Drama Llama) who looked angry the entire night and did her best to make everyone there uncomfortable (except for Chad, who remained oblivious to any tension until she stormed off to the bathroom). Swarm spent most of the night being insulted by Douchenozzle and Bro without quite realizing that they were actually being insulted. My friends and I tried to converse and have a good time, but it was pretty clear that we felt a little (make that incredibly) out-of-place. One of my friends, the party planner, tried her best to keep everyone having fun the entire night, but Drama Llama's exit made things a little strained.

All things considered, it was an ok night. Swarm was nice, minus Drama Llama. The sushi was great. Our waiter was really freaking cute, and considering it was his first night bar tending (all of the big groups get put in the back room, next to the bar) he did an incredible job waiting on us. But it wasn't exactly an event that I would have wanted to turn into a photo album.

And now, the rest of my night consists of studying for my Anthropology final. I was going to talk a little bit about the conflicting opinions I have of this class, but then I decided that doing so would be counter-productive to actually getting any studying done.

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