Friday, December 10, 2010

I guess this is a blog about poop

I've had this blog for a while now, and it's been sitting alone and empty in cyber space since the day I registered the name. Which is a little strange. I'm the kind of person that loves to talk, to monologue in the silence of my bedroom when no one else is home. I love coming up with scenes and speaking them out loud as they occur to me. My creative style is very much in-the-moment.

But I'm not very good at finishing projects. Whether I'm writing a story or painting a picture or organizing my closet, I tend to get halfway or most of the way through something and then abandon it. I think it's a combination of being lazy, having a short attention span, and not being confident that the end product will be worth anything. I'd rather quit than fail at something.

I also like writing in first person, and I tend to start most of my sentences with "I." This is something that I am trying to correct.

To get to the point: I've decided that I'm not going to sentence this blog to an unfinished existence in internet purgatory. At the same time, I really don't know what I want to do with this thing long-term. I already have a journal where I write the really intimate details of my life (Dear diary, today I took a really long poop), so I really don't see the point of doing that here. Especially since anyone in the world can read what I post on the internet, and it only takes a tiny bit of computer-sleuthing to figure out who any given person is online. 4chan doesn't need to catch wind of my long poops, or my obsession with Detective Lassiter. But I really don't think too many people are interested in my every observation of the minutiae of everyday life; I'm just not that interesting (remember my poop? Do you remember it?)

So here's the question: what shall become of my contribution to the information superhighway? Will I be yet another dime-a-dozen college-age blogger who thinks she's the wittiest person alive?  (Probably.) Will my use of parentheses annoy everyone who stumbles upon my thoughts? (Likely). Will I ever learn to spell "separate" correctly without spell check fixing it for me? (I did this time, but only because I was thinking really hard.)

I guess I'll find out.

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